Burning Blood Ensemble
Graphical Design & Filming (Music & Poetry Show) : Deniz Tuzcuoglu
2018, 2019 - Eindhoven, NL
Burning Blood Ensemble
Graphical Design & Filming (Music & Poetry Show) : Deniz Tuzcuoglu
2018, 2019 - Eindhoven, NL
Burning Blood Ensemble
Graphical Design & Filming (Music & Poetry Show) : Deniz Tuzcuoglu
2018, 2019 - Eindhoven, NL
Burning Blood Ensemble
Graphical Design & Filming (Music & Poetry Show) : Deniz Tuzcuoglu
2018, 2019 - Eindhoven, NL
Burning Blood Ensemble
Graphical Design & Filming (Music & Poetry Show) : Deniz Tuzcuoglu
2018, 2019 - Eindhoven, NL
Architect. Engineer. Citizen of the World
Instructor, 3D Modelling studio for Psychology and Technology, 1st year course in Bachelor of Science in Psychology & Technology at the University of Technology of Eindhoven (TU/e), 2023 November - continue.
Co-instructor, Spatial Imagination, 3rd year Bachelor course in the Department of Built Environment at the University of Technology of Eindhoven (TU/e), February-April, 2020 - continue.
Instructor, Digital Media (Infographics, Graphics, technical drawing, 3d modelling) (Media&Skills - BAU Studio 1), 1st year Bachelor course in the Department of Built Environment at the University of Technology of Eindhoven (TU/e), 2018 - continue.
Instructor, Graphic Design, in SEM Education Centre at Yıldız Technical University (YTU-SEM), September-November, January-March, 2015-2018.
Instructor, Introduction to Architecture Design, 1st year Bachelor course in the Department of Architecture at Yıldız Technical University, September-January, 2014-2016.
See Co-applicant, The Digital Exhibition Platform, awarded project by TU/e BOOST Innovation Funds, May 2020 - continue.
See Co-applicant, User Satisfaction in Smart Environments: The Case "Stadhuistoren" Smart Office Building of Municipality of Eindhoven, awarded research project by NWO SURF POP UP 2019, the Netherlands.
Invited Jury Member - Mid and Final Jury Member- Architecture Design Studio "Alti Ustu Studio" - TOBB University of Economics and Technology, 2020-2021.
Invited Speaker - “Connection” - Architecture Studio Alti Ustu - TOBB University of Economics and Technology, 04.10.2020.
Invited Speaker - “Experiences in Eindhoven”, Brainport Eindhoven, 27.05.2020.
Tutor - "Sketching Workshop" - Eindhoven Exchange Experience Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, NL, 25.10.2019.
Invited Speaker - “A Study on Post Occupancy Evaluation in Dormitories: on YTU Davutpaşa Campus Model” Life on Campus Seminars at Gebze Technical University, TURKEY, 19.09.2017.
Panelist - “Radio Program (Local Radio)", Malaga, Spain, 2015.
in the Department of Architecture at Yıldız Technical University (2013-2017)
Building Theory and Design I (MIM1051), 1.semester 2015-2016
Basic Design (MIM1041), 1.semester 2015-2016
Architectural Presentation Techniques (MIM1031), 1.semester 2016-2017
Building Theory and Design II (MIM1062), 2.semester 2015-2016
Statics and Strength of Materials (MIM1042), 2.semester 2013-2014; 2014-2015
Architectural Design III (MIM2012), 2.semester 2015-2016: 2017-2018
Architectural Design 6 (MIM4011), 1&2 semester 2017-2018
Perspective and Shadow (MIM3141), 1.semester 2015-2016; 2016-2017
Freehand Drawing (MIM3131), 2.semester 2015-2016
Design of Steel Structures (MIM3281), 1.semester 2013-2014; 2014-2015
Rapporteur - “the Enable Symposium”, KU Leuven, BELGIUM, 20-22.04.2018.
Editor - “Internship Regulations for architecture Students at YTU Department of Architecture”, TURKEY, 12.2017-02.2018.
Editor - “Protocol between YTU Department of Architecture and MONO Architecture”, TURKEY, 12.2017-02.2018.
Coordinator - “Conference-Exhibition-Workshop - Getting Things Done: Evolution of the Built Environment in Vorarlberg or How would we do itin TURKEY”, 06-20.10.2017.
Coordinator - “NAAB National Architectural Accreditation Board “, TURKEY, 2016.
Coordinator - “Seminer-Workshop-Exhibition: Reading City2:Intersection” Süleymaniye/İstanbul (YTU&MKU)”, TURKEY 16-20.09.2015.
Rapporteur - “Cuhadaroglu Student Competition”, TURKEY, 2015.
Moderator - “ARCHDESIGN’ 15 / II. Architectural Design Conference organized by DAKAM”, TURKEY , 07.07.2015.
Group Member and Editor (2020 – present). International Health Advisory Group, H4i, Eindhoven Region, the Netherlands. See the report.
Group Member (2018 – present). Eindhoven Innovation Cafe, Kazerne, the Netherlands.
Group Member (2018- present). Helping by Drawing, Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Member (2018-present). Choir with Colleagues United, TU/e.
Member (2019-present). ArchitectuurCentrum Eindhoven.
Member (2017-2020). Eindhoven Internet of Things (Lorna Goulden&Frank Beks).