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User Satisfaction in Smart Environments

The Case "Stadhuistoren" Smart Office Building of Municipality of Eindhoven

The research aimed to reveal the significant aspects for a successful adaptation of smart technologies in the office environment. The following research questions are addressed to achieve the research objective: What preference values do office users assign to the different attributes of alternative options of smart office technologies? How office users will adapt their work style and office behavior in a smart office environment?  What factors are important to improve user’s satisfaction and productivity in office? How people use their office facilities and what would motivate the users to change their current working behavior?  Which attributes of smart office technologies are preferred by office workers?  


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See Co-applicant, The Digital Exhibition Platform,  awarded project by TU/e BOOST Innovation Funds, May 2020 - continue.

See Co-applicant, User Satisfaction in Smart Environments: The Case "Stadhuistoren" Smart Office Building of Municipality of Eindhoven, awarded research project by NWO SURF POP UP 2019, the Netherlands.


Read Tuzcuoglu, D., de Vries, B., Yang, D., Sungur, A. (2022). What is a smart office environment? An exploratory study from a user perspective. Journal of Corporate Real Estate. 20 May 2022. 

Read Windlinger, L., & Tuzcuoglu, D. (2021). Usability theory: Adding a user-centric perspective to workplace management. In V. Danivska, & R. Appel-Meulenbroek (editors), Routledge (Vol. 1, pp. 173-183). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

Read Tuzcuoglu, D. , Yang, D. , de Vries, B. , Sungur, A. & Appel-Meulenbroek, R. (2021). "The phases of user experience during relocation to a smart office building: A qualitative case study", Journal of Environmental Psychology. 74 (March), 1-9. 


          Tuzcuoglu, D, & Polatoğlu, Ç. (2020) "Akıllı ofisler ve değişen çalışma kültürü üzerine (Smart Offices and the changes in way of working)". in Kent ve Planlama (City and Planning). Dinçer, I. & Enlil, Z. (eds.). Istanbul: YEM yayın - Yapımevi yayıncılık, p. 469-485.


Read  Tuzcuoglu, D., Yang, D., de Vries, B. & Sungur, A. (2020). "Social interaction in an office environment: A qualitative study after relocation to a smart office", Proceedings Transdisciplinary Workplace Research, TWR 2020 Workplace Conference, 16-19 Sept 2020, Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 355-364.



Read  Tuzcuoglu, D, & Polatoğlu, Ç. (2018) “The Study on ‘The Edge Amsterdam’ Building in the Context of Smart Cities and Future Scenerios”, Researchs on Architectural Design National Symposium II, 26-27 April 2018, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, pp. 384-399.

Read Tuzcuoglu, D., & Polatoğlu, Ç. (2017). "The Effect of Theoretical/Technical Courses on the Formation of Design Knowledge: A Case Study on Final Year Students", 5th International Conference on Educational Research: Innovations in Education- New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences  Vol 4 No 3 (2017). Kyrenia, Cyprus, pp. 148-154​.

Read Durusoy, E., Tuzcuoglu, D., Akcabozan, A. (2016) "Urban Green Areas in Days of Urbanization: The Case of Ataturk Forest Farm, Ankara Turkey". Wessex Institute, 11th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 204, 12 - 14 July 2016, Alicante, Spain, pp. 323-333.

Read Tuzcuoglu, D. (2015) "The Impact Of Traditional Housing Typology On New Housing Designs in Existing Environment: Case Study in Akcakoca". RE-ConD'15 International Conference on Re-Evaluating Contemporary Designs in Historical Context, 22-24 July 2015, İstanbul, pp.267-278.

Read Tuzcuoglu, D., & Ozer, Y. S. (2015). "The Natural Environment and a City: Milet". ARCHDESIGN'15: Current Trends and Methodologies on Architectural Design. 6-8 July 2015, Istanbul, pp. 615-623.


Read Tuzcuoglu, D. (2014).  "Post Occupancy Evaluation in two Dormitory Buildings in the campus of Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul". Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul.

WORKSHOPS (participant)

See Tuzcuoğlu, D. (participant), "V.International Workshop on Landscape”, 11-14 September 2013, Jaen, Spain.


See Tuzcuoğlu, D. (participant), "Public Space Workshop”, Collaboration YTU&Columbia University, Sept 2012, İstanbul, Turkey.   

See Tuzcuoğlu, D. (participant), "IV.International Workshop on Landscape”, 23-27 July 2011, Malaga, Spain.

Copyright © 2017-2022  Deniz Tuzcuoğlu

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